Smileactives Whitening Pens | ModernSmile

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Smileactives Whitening Pens

Smileactives Whitening PenTouch-up between ModernSmile whitening treatments wherever and whenever with Smileactives teeth whitening pens. The easy-to-use, stylish pen applicator brushes a hydrogen peroxide formula directly onto your teeth.

After years in research, these whitening pens have been developed to help you look and feel your best without all of the hassle that comes with bleaching trays or store bought options. They’re convenient, simple, completely safe, and best of all, it works!

  • Easy to use twist pen applicator delivers your teeth whitening without any mess
  • Time released proprietary formula enables safe, gentle and effective teeth whitening with no sensitivity
  • Dries rapidly, you can simply use it whenever and wherever you want
  • Just two to four easy 30-second applications a day for two to three weeks, then use as desired
  • Each Whitening Pen last for 30 days of whitening applications

Call us to order one at $25.00